
Showing posts from June 13, 2017

Naruto Adventures

game instructions: Naruto belongs to the seventh team received a new task, will go to the mysterious magic island adventure, there are many monsters hinder the way, they can successfully highlight the tight encirclement? The game players to collect gold as much as possible to obtain high marks, and the use of stampede or hand sword to knock down the monster along the way, set up three keys will be able to open the portal, the game supports three models, similar friends can break through. Players are quick and adventure with the seventh squad! Game operation: Players 1 - keyboard A, D key control characters move, W key jump, S key launch. Players 2 - keyboard ← → keys to control the characters move, ↑ key jump, ↓ key to launch. Player 3 - keyboard 4, 6 keys to control the characters move, 8 key jump, 5 key launch.

How many countries on this earth

More than 290! The world's seven continents, in addition to Antarctica, there are national distribution, there are more than 290 political units, of which 169 independent countries, the rest is not yet independent areas. (39), followed by Europe (33), Latin America (33), Oceania (11) and North (33), the largest in Africa, with 51 countries, America (2). More than 200 countries and regions, with an area of ​​more than 1 million square kilometers with 29, a population of more than 50 million a total of 16 countries, there are many independent small country and tribes with the region! Asia (48 countries) East Asia: China, Mongolia, Korea, Korea, Japan (5) Southeast Asia: Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Indonesia, East Timor (11) South Asia: Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives (7) Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan (5) West Asia: Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Iran, ...


那好像一切似乎順利。比賽在比利牛斯山西端的聖誕老人纖纖(Santa Cilia)舉行,這是我以前沒有飛過的地方。空中美麗的風景,真正的大鳥的載荷:禿鷹,禿鷹,鷹,一個大容易的機場和當地的良好的外陸地。唯一的缺點是沿著山谷建造了一條新的高速公路,就像西班牙大部分地區,如果他們完成的話,這將是非常好的。 比利牛斯山頂上沒有備胎 這一切都開始有點搖擺 - 我在服務站裡彈出一個拖車輪胎,並且很難改變它。那麼在練習當天我很笨,做得很好,所以omens不是很好。中途通過比賽,滑翔機主輪平坦,我花了一個早晨追逐像一個looney試圖找到一個更換的內胎,沒有成功。因此,這是一個修補舊的禱告和禱告的情況。幸運的是,這一切都奏效了 圣西利亞機場 第一天我飛得很好,進入最後一個TP,相信我要贏了一天。令人不安的是,我拿出的路線,北到我剛剛離開的山脊,不如托馬斯·戈斯特納和阿爾多·羅德里格斯(Aldo Rodriguez)採取的南部路線。當天第三,在114kph。 接下來的幾天我完成了第4,第4和第2:一致但不夠好。周圍所有的輪胎都讓我有了痛苦的痛苦,所以我像一個百歲老人一樣走路,一旦我坐在滑翔機上,真的很舒服。 進入最後一天,第三名,我感到非常自信:我知道我會做好。當我在1000小時以下時,通過開始的5分鐘內,這種妄想消失了。該死!有一點堅持不懈,一旦回到遊戲中,我能夠保持高位持續推進。80公里外出GT和操作系統停在我身後2節攀登 - 我繼續前進到那裡,我估計山脊上有太陽,並獲得了5節平均的好結果。上了3個maccready滑翔我開始回家,當操作系統彈出我的左邊的Flarm在20公里運行時,有點震驚。這一次我有了正確的路線,能夠在他的前20秒回家。這是足夠勝利的一天,贏得比賽,並有資格參加世界決賽在Vitacura,智利聖地亞哥在2018年1月。甚至我的生日 - 生活沒有變好! 80公里外出GT和操作系統停在我身後2節攀登 - 我繼續前進到那裡,我估計山脊上有太陽,並獲得了5節平均的好結果。上了3個maccready滑翔我開始回家,當操作系統彈出我的左邊的Flarm在20公里運行時,有點震驚。這一次我有了正確的路線,能夠在他的前20秒回家。這是足夠勝利的一天,贏得比賽,並有資格參加世界決賽在Vitacura,智利聖地亞哥在2018年1月。甚至我的...