Naruto Adventures

game instructions: Naruto belongs to the seventh team received a new task, will go to the mysterious magic island adventure, there are many monsters hinder the way, they can successfully highlight the tight encirclement? The game players to collect gold as much as possible to obtain high marks, and the use of stampede or hand sword to knock down the monster along the way, set up three keys will be able to open the portal, the game supports three models, similar friends can break through. Players are quick and adventure with the seventh squad! Game operation: Players 1 - keyboard A, D key control characters move, W key jump, S key launch. Players 2 - keyboard ← → keys to control the characters move, ↑ key jump, ↓ key to launch. Player 3 - keyboard 4, 6 keys to control the characters move, 8 key jump, 5 key launch.

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